August slipped away like a bottle of wine…..Stokelan Winery 8/22/24

How did the summer go by so fast?!
Last week, we held our last candle-making class of the summer at Stokelan Estate Winery in Medford, NJ!
This was our second candle-making class at Stokelan, and we are absolutely obsessed with everything about it—their food, wine, and overall vibe.
Check out a full behind-the-scenes look at our very first candle-making class at Stokelan in our first-ever blog post [here]!
Stokelan Winery is truly one of the most underrated wineries in NJ! It is absolutely stunning, with sunflower and lavender gardens creating a complete oasis. You don’t feel like you’re in NJ when you step onto this property—it’s like being transported to another world!
When we’re at Stokelan, it truly feels like getting lost in a garden fantasy. Everything feels magical!
There isn’t a single detail missing at Stokelan—from the overall vibe to the service, and of course, the wine!
We couldn’t have asked for a better summer night. It wasn’t too hot or humid; there was a perfect little breeze, but it wasn’t too chilly as we began to set up in the outdoor tent.
This time at Stokelan, we set up our table a bit differently, creating one big table for everyone to sit at instead of doing separate tables. Lit with flickering candles and decorated with beautiful little flowers, it was truly Instagram-worthy.
As the group of people began to arrive, it turned into a real night out for all of the guests! Many had never been to Stokelan before, and some had never made candles, so it was such a fun first experience overall for everyone!
It’s evident that fall is definitely upon us, as most of the guests gravitated more towards the fall scents, like vanilla, pumpkin, and cinnamon, instead of the summer scents. Even outdoors, the delightful smell wafted across the winery, making the evening even more special.
As the candles dried, most guests took a walk around the winery as the sun began to set or sat in the gardens to bask in the beauty of the vineyard.
This truly was one of the best ways to end the summer. It was so much fun getting to know everyone who came out for the class, watching everyone enjoy the night, and, of course, returning to Stokelan Winery!
For more behind-the-scenes looks into our candle-making classes, check out our Instagram @homemadenjcandles to see all the pictures and videos from previous classes!
Stay on the lookout for our next class at Stokelan, coming soon!
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